Family is a very meaningful word to us, for it runs far deeper than blood alone. It includes each and every one of the special souls who are employed by MORE Family Collection. It includes the guests we welcome every day, who entrust us with their dreams and everlasting memories. It includes our Lodges & Hotels which, like our children, each have their own styles, talents, quirks and personalities. It includes our natural environments and surrounding communities, reliant on us for sustainable support. To us, our Family is a collection of all of these things.

As a community of people, we are personal, private, family owned and managed. We are human and are always learning. We are completely committed to our guests and the many exceptional people who deliver our incredible story. 
We celebrate our individuality. It's through our different and unique talents, aligned in the common purpose to enrich our guests lives, that we create a meaningful impact in the world. 

Every day we live out values, helping one another and our communities in need, protecting our wild spaces and ensuring our guests are always given the highest level of care and attention. 

We create opportunities and experiences for people to enrich their lives. 

Be AWARE (the “thoughtful” value)
  • Eyes and ears open
  • Arrive ready
  • Be human
Respond GENEROUSLY (the “more” value)
  • Always respond
  • Give more, do more
  • Have a mindset of abundance
Strength in DIVERSITY (the “family” value)
  • Act in harmony
  • Work together
  • Act inclusively
Make it BETTER (the “continuous improvement” value)
  • Positively influence
  • Keep learning
  • Own it

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